Explore what makes a community happy and safe.

Explore what makes a community happy and safe with the 36 wordless cards in the Build-a-Story Cards: Community Helpers deck. Kids aged 3 - 10 will love piecing together stories with firefighters, kid superheroes and more, using the color-coded character, setting and object cards. Created and kid-tested by an early childhood development expert, the Community Helpers deck not only helps children develop storytelling and writing skills, but also highlights the importance of teamwork, responsibility and kindness in making a community a better place for everyone.
Illustrated by Sophie Fatus
Available Formats:
CARD DECK (ISBN: 781782857402)
Product Dimensions: Box: 137 x 111mm; Cards: 130 x 103 mm
Page Count: 36 cards + 8-page booklet
Age Range: Ages 3-10 years